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Pennsylvania State Fair Queen Obligations

Below is a list of the obligations if selected as the PA State Fair Queen:

  1. Attend all PA State Fair Queen Program sanctioned events including, but not limited to: Cornucopia (Harrisburg), PA Travel Council Tourism Day (Harrisburg), Ag Progress Days (Rock Springs, PA), Farm-City Day (Harrisburg), the Pennsylvania Farm Show (Harrisburg), and the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs’ convention (Hershey). 

  2. Attend fairs in all four (4) zones of the PA State Association of County Fairs (PSACF), when invited. (Fair Season: May – Oct.)

  3. Attend other events/obligations that may arise on behalf of the PSACF.

  4. Keep an Event Summary log (Event name and location, purpose/target audience, number of attendees, and contact person).

  5. Make a scrapbook and create a display for the next PSACF Convention showing how the PA Fair Queen promoted fairs and agriculture during her reign.

  6. Attend and participate in the next State Fair Queen competition and crown the next State Fair Queen.

  7. Show proof of scholarship eligibility by presenting a current tuition bill or grade report from her college/university.

  8. Was exclusively the PA State Fair Queen for her entire reign and did not participate in any other pageants nor hold a title for any other commodity group during that time.

If selected as the new PA State Fair Queen, the Queen will receive a $2,500 First Place Scholarship