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Pennsylvania State Fair Queen Obligations
Below is a list of the obligations if selected as the PA State Fair Queen:
- Attend all PA State Fair Queen Program sanctioned events including, but not limited to: Cornucopia (Harrisburg), PA Travel Council Tourism Day (Harrisburg), Ag Progress Days (Rock Springs, PA), Farm-City Day (Harrisburg), the Pennsylvania Farm Show (Harrisburg), and the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs’ convention (Hershey).
- Attend fairs in all four (4) zones of the PA State Association of County Fairs (PSACF), when invited. (Fair Season: May – Oct.)
- Attend other events/obligations that may arise on behalf of the PSACF.
- Keep an Event Summary log (Event name and location, purpose/target audience, number of attendees, and contact person).
- Make a scrapbook and create a display for the next PSACF Convention showing how the PA Fair Queen promoted fairs and agriculture during her reign.
- Attend and participate in the next State Fair Queen competition and crown the next State Fair Queen.
- Show proof of scholarship eligibility by presenting a current tuition bill or grade report from her college/university.
- Was exclusively the PA State Fair Queen for her entire reign and did not participate in any other pageants nor hold a title for any other commodity group during that time.
If selected as the new PA State Fair Queen, the Queen will receive a $2,500 First Place Scholarship