July 21 - 26, 2025 ~ Kimberton, PA ~ Since 1929
All Proceeds Benefit The Kimberton Volunteer Fire Company

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Kimberton Fair Queen Obligations

Local obligations should take approximately 16 hours or less a month (except in January & July).

The crowned Queen will be required to fulfill additional obligations and appearances after Fair week, as presented below. These obligations may only be waived at the sole discretion of the Kimberton Fair QueenRoyalty group walking arm in arm crop Coordinator or the Kimberton Community Fair Board based on valid reasons with advanced notification. The Fair Princess may be asked to also attend functions with or in place of the Queen (if the Queen is unavailable for valid reasons).

In the event that the elected Queen is unable to fulfill her duties and is replaced by the Princess, or next eligible ambassador, she will immediately relinquish her title and all privileges and prizes awarded to her. The sash and crown are the property of the Kimberton Community Fair and will be immediately returned in the same condition as received or she will reimburse the fair $70 for replacement.

  • Meet with the Queen Coordinator and queen's parents to review the expectations of the Kimberton Fair Board and these Obligations following the Opening Ceremony or within one week following the fair.

  • Assist with writing updates for the Kimberton Queen Facebook page. Some suggested topics would be:
    • How it feels to be the new Kimberton Fair Queen;
    • Anticipation of going to the State competition;
    • How you did at the state competition;
    • Upcoming new Queen search;
    • Upcoming fair;
    • Fundraisers; Agricultural highlights
    • Community activities

  • Attend 4-day Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs Convention in January following the Fair. If the Queen is unable to attend the state level competition, the Princess may be sent in her place and will represent the Kimberton Fair as Kimberton Fair's Queen for the remainder of the year, at the discretion of the Fair Board. Kimberton Fair will pay the actual expenses of the Queen and one chaperone to the state contest. The alternate (Princess) and a guest will be invited to attend the Coronation Banquet at the state competition; the fair will cover the cost of their banquet tickets. Any additional attendees will be at their own cost.

  • Attend the Farm-City Day in October (Inter-city youth brought to the PA Farm Show building to learn about agriculture)

  • The Queen and Princess must send a brief update to the Fair Queen Coordinator every two months. The report must include information on the activities and events she has completed and plans of upcoming activities and events. Queen Coordinator must approve in advance any activities not scheduled by the Queen Program.

  • Attend Toastmasters Club to practice speech prior to convention. (Toastmasters is a club to help with public speaking skills, many companies use this group to prepare for presentations)

  • Help create pages for the “Queen Scrapbook”. 

Other suggested activities may include:

  • Read books to local daycare students about fairs.
  • Talk to local service groups about volunteerism and the fair.  (“Why you should come to our Fair”)
  • Learn about county and state agriculture. Learn how cheese is made; see how grapes are turned into wine at the local vineyards; learn about CSAs.
  • Attend regional community events (Mushroom Festival, Community Days), as they are arranged.
  • Attend other fairs associated with the PSACF, when invited.
  • Be present/active in Kimberton Fire Company fundraisers that are age appropriate.
  • Help other service clubs with fundraisers (Lions Club sell Easter flowers, Kiwanis sell rubber ducks), as requested.
  • Support regional agricultural businesses by appearances as requested or arranged.
  • Meet our local legislators and be introduced to the State Legislative bodies, as arranged.
  • Participate in the promotion and activities of the next Fair Queen Contest (attending presentations at schools, 4-H meetings, etc.)
  • Crown the next Kimberton Fair Queen 

ALL activities will be arranged by the Fair Queen Coordinator. 

If you have an additional suggestion for activities please provide the details to the Coordinator.