July 21 - 26, 2025 ~ Kimberton, PA ~ Since 1929
All Proceeds Benefit The Kimberton Volunteer Fire Company


The Kimberton Community Fair was first held in 1929.  It was the chartering year of the Kimberton Fire Company, and the Fair was held as a fund-raiser to support the volunteer department's fire truck and equipment needs. The Fair has been held every year since, with the exception of one year during World War II.  Today the Fair is the Fire Company's single largest revenue producing event. This enables the volunteer firefighters to operate and maintain a state-of-the-art fire department to service East Pikeland, West Pikeland, Charlestown, East Vincent and West Vincent Townships with fire protection.

Our Fair is not just another amusement park...the added attractions of agricultural and home art exhibits, fun-filled contests, and livestock shows make it a unique event. It is one of the few places where you can bring your whole family and find something to please everyone!  As Kimberton Community Fair begins it 88th year, it continues with a tradition of volunteerism, hard work and dedication - a tradition we hope will be continued for years to come.