July 21 - 26, 2025 ~ Kimberton, PA ~ Since 1929
All Proceeds Benefit The Kimberton Volunteer Fire Company

Article Index

 Behavior Policy

A “Zero Tolerance Behavior Policy” has been established by the Kimberton Fair Queen and the PA State Fair Queen Programs. The following will be considered violations of the policy and will be grounds for immediate dismissal.

  • Illegal types of behavior, such as drug or tobacco product use, alcohol consumption;Royalty with bike winner crop
  • Smoking, by a legal aged person, will only be tolerated in private settings, never in a public location while representing the Kimberton Fair;
  • Behavior during the fair or other related functions that is unbecoming, unmoral or detrimental to the Queen program as determined by the Kimberton Fair Board, including but not limited to on-line representations on the internet social networking sites (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.);
  • Unresponsiveness to the requests and contacts of the Queen Coordinator or the Fair Board;
  • Any defamation of the Queen Contest, its winners and contestants, the Fair or the PA Fair Queen Program and their Directors and Committee members, whether it is oral or written.  This includes postings on the Internet such as social networking sites;
  • Disrespectful behavior of/with others. Boyfriends or significant others should display respectful behavior when accompanying the Queen. The general public and the Fair Board should be able to believe any individual accompanying you is part of your “family”. Public displays of affection will not be tolerated;
  • Clothing or dress that is indecent or inappropriate as set forth in the dress code;
  • Admitting unauthorized personnel into the Queen’s Room. Authorized personnel include Fair Board members, contestants and their Guardians, or as authorized by the Queen Coordinator;
  • Pregnancy/Marriage;
  • Conviction of crime other than minor traffic offense;
  • Any unsolicited or unauthorized appearances or representations of the Queen Program in crown and banner;
  • Any unsportsmanlike or uncooperative conduct before, during and after the competition.

Always remember that your actions or appearance
portray an image of our fair to the public.

Dress Code

Wearing the Fair Queen Crown and Sash is to be considered an honor and privilege. The bearer represents herself, her family, her community and our Fair. Therefore professional appearance is expected while in crown and sash during the fair or special event:

  • Acceptable clothing would be dressy shorts, sundresses, skirts, or dress pants. 
  • No jeans, t-shirts, or crop tops 
  • No sneakers, flip flops or boots (closed toe shoes will be needed if appearing in the livestock areas)
  • No clothing that advertises, promotes, or glorifies the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or anything inconsistent with the dignity of the Queen Program.
  • No item should be revealing in anyway (cut too short [2” past fingertips at sides of body] or too low  [cleavage]). 
  • Excessive make-up or jewelry is not permitted.
  • No visible body piercing (other than earrings).
  • Tattoos should not be visible during any contest or fair activity.