July 21 - 26, 2025 ~ Kimberton, PA ~ Since 1929
All Proceeds Benefit The Kimberton Volunteer Fire Company

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Judging Guidelines 

Winner receives a Scholarship upon meeting the following obligations:

  • Each prospective entrant must complete the Entry Form. Please read the entry form before filling it out. Entrant should outline what she wants to say on another piece of paper, then type or print theRoyalty group with donut cheer crop application. The entry form is used for publicity and the interview, so please complete it neatly. Separate paper may be used if additional space is needed.

  • Write an essay on “What Kimberton Community Fair means to my Community”.  Essay must be 300 words or less and submitted prior to application deadline. The essay will be judged for content, grammar and spelling. 

  • The speech competition will be held prior to the Fair at the Kimberton Fire Company, 2276 Kmberton Rd, Phoenixville, PA  19460.  Entrants will be given a time for their presentation.  They should remain outside the building until it is their turn.  Current CDC guidelines will be followed.  

  • Entrants must be prepared to give a 3-5 minute speech to the judges on “Why You Should Come to the Kimberton Community Fair”. This should be a persuasive speech appropriate for an adult audience. Cue cards may be utilized. Entrants will be judged on the effectiveness of their public speaking skills; not “entertainment”. Props may be used if they enhance the speech. Computer-based presentations are not permitted.

  • The interview competition will be held on immediately following the speech judging. For the interview, each entrant will meet alone with the panel of judges for 5-10 minutes. The judges will utilize the information from the entrant's application as well as additional questions. Contestants will be judged on their conversational ability, the answers to the judges’ questions, appearance/poise, activities, and knowledge of the fair industry.

NOTE: The outfit for the interview and the speech should be of a business type. The night of the crowning a prom-type dress should be worn. 

The decision of the judge’s and/or the Kimberton Fair Committee is final.  This contest may be cancelled if there are two or less entrants.  You will be contacted by the Queen Coordinator by email if this occurs.